King’s Kids International is a child and teenage ministry of Youth With A Mission. King’s Kids El Paso, founded in 1988, trains and releases young people to practically apply and share their faith and skills through service to their communities and beyond. Local young people learn through positive peer influence, multi-cultural education programs and leadership training. They are given practical opportunities to help the elderly, poor, homeless and orphans.
Bob and Karen Pofahl have been Directors of King’s Kids El Paso, as well as launching King’s Kids programs in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean for five years. During that time they coordinated a large scale ministry event focused on the 1996 Olympics where over six thousand youth and adults from over 100 nations gathered together for a week in Atlanta to launch a worldwide outreach beginning with the Olympic events. Other CBI staff has also been involved with King’s Kids across the world, such as Ireland and Scotland, nurturing children growing up in unsafe home environments.